Video Lead-Free Soldering: Rework
Delivery: DVD Video Format
Languages: English
Available Titles
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework Issues, Materials, Equipment | Description |
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework Process | Description |
These courses are intended for rework operators, technicians and supervisors responsible for the rework of lead-free electronic assemblies.
Convenient as individual learning resources
Ideal for instructor-led group presentation
Easy to use and designed for audience participation
Organized by chapters with discussion questions

These video lead-free soldering training courses are perfect for group presentation. Your Instructor can choose to select appropriate material by chapter and pause playback as on-screen questions are asked. This provides an opportunity for group participation and discussion.
Comes complete with instructor guide, course evaluation, and a knowledge quiz that allows your instructors to train, test, verify, and certify that students have understood the content.
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Purchase: You can purchase these Videos individually or as a bundled set.
For secure automated on-line purchase of these courses:
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework Issues, Materials, Equipment | Buy now online | $399 USD |
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework Process | Buy now online | $399 USD |
Or for your best value take advantage of the bundled set. Over 80 minutes of Lead-Free video training plus the Instructor Bonus materials - and you save 30%!
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework - both courses (SLR2V) | Buy now online | $638 USD |
Contact an AL Learning Representative: How to Buy
Course Descriptions
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework Issues, Materials, Equipment
Course code: SLRIV | DVD Video Format | Length: 44 min |
Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants taking this course should be familiar with basic hand soldering and rework principles using tin/lead solders.
Video Content:
Lead-free rework concepts
Areas affected by transition to lead-free
Defects more likely to occur with lead-free
Acceptable tin/lead and lead-free joints
Care of soldering equipment
Solder types: labelling, and naming conventions
Role of flux and the impact of lead-free
Impact on board laminates and finishes
Maintaining a mixed tin/lead and lead-free facility
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Included Bonus Instructor Resource Disk With:
Video Training Instructor Guide
Video Training Course Evaluation Survey
Quiz Modifiable student format
Quiz Instructor Answer and Scoring Key
For secure automated on-line purchase of this Lead-Free Soldering video course: Buy now online $399 USD
Or contact an AL Learning Representative: How to Buy
Lead-Free Soldering: Rework Process
Course code: SLRPV | DVD Video Format | Length: 38 min |
Prerequisite Knowledge
Participants taking this course should be familiar with basic hand soldering and rework principles using tin/lead solders.
Video Content:
Removal, cleaning, and replacement for through-hole, SMT
Cleaning procedures after lead-free rework
Moisture control in lead-free rework
Challenges in reworking SMT area-array devices
Optical and X-ray Inspection for area-array devices
Temperature issues for area-array devices
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Included Bonus Instructor Resource Disk With:
Video Training Instructor Guide
Video Training Course Evaluation Survey
Quiz Modifiable student format
Quiz Instructor Answer and Scoring Key
For secure automated on-line purchase of this Lead-Free Soldering video course: Buy now online $399 USD
Or contact an AL Learning Representative: How to Buy
eLearning Versions
Content of these ESD video training courses is also available in our acclaimed eLearning-format that features:
Automated registration, tracking, testing, certification for reduced administration time
Flexible online access -"always available" 24x7 across shifts, departments, locations
Latest video and interactive multimedia technology for interest, involvement and fun
Self-paced delivery that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
Individual on-demand training no waiting for the class schedule
Reduced language barriers for students with other languages available
Shorter student away-from-work training time that lowers training costs significantly
Reduced demand on your expert resources to deliver instruction on the basics
Compliance with ISO and industry standards for training and qualification records
Standardized training - consistent, accurate reliable content every time
Convenient easy to use training - point and click to learn, it's that simple