Lean Healthcare: 5S Workplace Organization
Course Code: HFS
Delivery: Online
Languages: English
5S, an acronym for "sort, set-in-order, shine, standardize, sustain", is a simple yet powerful method for transforming the physical workspace. Frequently applied to busy areas such as nursing stations, operating rooms, supply areas, and emergency wards, 5S helps create an orderly environment to support Leaner processes, while making safer facilities that are pleasant for workers and reassuring for patients.
Lean: 5S Workplace Organization is an interactive, multimedia, eLearning training program. It is intended for managers, technologists, healthcare staff, and trainers in the Healthcare industry who work in, or are transitioning to, a Lean workplace.
Participants successfully completing the program will be able to:
Describe the origin, structure, and benefits of 5S in Healthcare
Explain the sorting process
Describe "Red-tagging" to identify and remove unnecessary material from the workplace
Identify necessary processes to improve access to materials and equipment
Explain the role of cleaning in maintaining quality and throughput
Describe creation and use of procedures, policies, and job aids associated with 5S activities
Explain roles and functions in the monitoring of, and improvements to, 5S processes
Qualification and Certification Testing

Our training incorporates interactive learning checks throughout the instructional sequences. Certification tests are criterion-referenced and module-based with feedback on every response for enhanced learning. Administrative access to dates and scores of tests, certifications, and re-certifications is compliant with ISO quality-standards requirements.
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