Laser Safety
Course Code: LS
Delivery: Online
Languages: English
A comprehensive interactive multimedia learning program with certification intended for electronic operators, technicians, and engineers, who work with and around lasers.
Participants successfully completing the program will be able to:
Understand light as energy and energy conversion.
Name the types of injuries that can occur.
Describe and identify laser classifications and warning labels.
Explain concepts related to the Nominal Hazard Zone.
Identify the structure of the eye and relate the structure to the potential for accidental exposure and injury.
Describe the concept of Maximum Permissible Exposure.
Describe appropriate safety procedures in the use of laser safety eyewear and clothing.
Describe the notion of optical density, wavelength dependencies, selection and handling of laser safety eyewear.
Identify correct procedures for placement, lockout and tagout, barriers and traps, and hazardous materials.
Qualification and Certification Testing

Our training incorporates interactive learning checks throughout the instructional sequences. Certification tests are criterion-referenced and module-based with feedback on every response for enhanced learning. Administrative access to dates and scores of tests, certifications, and re-certifications is compliant with ISO quality-standards requirements.
Standard Complient
This course applies the ANSI standard classifications of lasers as specified in ANSI Z136.1 -2000.
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