Course Code: ERG
Delivery: Online
Languages: English
A comprehensive interactive multimedia learning program with certification intended for personnel both within and outside the manufacturing environment.
Participants successfully completing the program will be able to:
Recognize the nature and role of ergonomics in the workplace.
Recognize the implications to health and productivity posed by WMSD.
Know the signs and symptoms of WMSD.
Recognize problems, solutions, and actions related to the working position.
Identify ergonomic problems that can occur in the workplace.
Describe and demonstrate the proper adjustment of ergonomic seating.
Describe the process for reporting signs, symptoms and hazards, and making recommendations to reduce hazards.
Know the steps to take to prevent and control WMSD.
You can tailor parts of this course to match your organization’s requirements. This is accomplished via simple text file editing that allows you to easily keep organization-specific content up to date.
Qualification and Certification Testing

certification Our training incorporates interactive learning checks throughout the instructional sequences. Certification tests are criterion-referenced and module-based with feedback on every response for enhanced learning. The tests include a score bar to provide the learner with continuous status information. Administrative access to dates and scores of tests, certifications, and re-certifications is compliant with ISO quality-standards training requirements.
Certification Testing in Electronics Manufacturing - more
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