Canadian Controlled Goods Program - CGP
Course Code: CGP5
Delivery: Online
Languages: English

Employees in any company in Canada involved in a business that includes defense articles or services must have an understanding of - and comply with - the requirements of the Controlled Goods Program (CGP) and Canadian Export Controls. This course describes the function and purpose of each of these within the company.
The Canadian Controlled Goods Program - CGP course is an interactive, multimedia, eLearning training program. It is intended for employees in any defense related company that require knowledge of the Canadian Controlled Goods Program (CGP) and Canadian Export Controls.
Participants successfully completing the program will be able to:
Explain CGP, its purpose, and the controlling agency
Identify the agency responsible for licensing exports of Controlled Goods
Explain the importance of The Controlled Goods Program within the company
Identify products at our company that are subject to the CGP
Understand the role of the Designated Official
Explain the scope of the Controlled Goods Program
Explain examples of controlled and uncontrolled goods under CGP
Understand your responsibility with respect to CGP and Export Controls
Explain concerns for foreign business travel
Describe three levels of security for facilities
Identify requirements and use of ID and entry badges
Explain rules regarding visitors
While this course is based on our interpretation of the current regulations and best practices required by the PWGSC administered Controlled Goods Program, it is NOT recognized by the Canadian Government (which provides training courses and resources in various formats to Designated Officials in the CGP).
This course is intended solely as a resource for convenient orientation of employees to the basic requirements of the Controlled Goods Program. The Designated Official within your organization must validate the suitability of this training for your internal purposes. Although there is an accompanying test that ensures your understanding of this content, successful mastery completion of this test does NOT constitute certification by any Canadian Government organization.

We can provide modifications to this course to provide information specific to your company (for example - designated products, contact information for your DO, etc) for delivery on your own internal Learning Management System.
Call to discuss this option.
Qualification Testing
Our training incorporates interactive learning checks throughout the instructional sequences. Tests are criterion-referenced and module-based with feedback on every response for enhanced learning.
See Industry Testimonials for our courses!
Purchase the Online-training version of this course for individual use: Buy now on-line
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